
Preserving & enriching a world worth seeing

Our sustainability strategy is built on the vision of helping to preserve and enrich a world worth seeing. Our company purpose is “to open up the world for those who want to see”.

As one of the world’s largest travel retailers and corporate travel managers, we recognise our responsibility to help preserve the places we love while enriching our people, destinations and communities.

The world is changing and our industry is changing with it. This means focusing on reducing the environmental impacts of travel while continuing to deliver unique travel experiences for generations to come. We will leverage our people and partnerships to facilitate informed choices, helping customers reduce their impact and working towards actions that benefit our people, destinations, and communities. We will work with our suppliers and industry partners to set sustainability targets and influence a lower carbon travel industry. Our sustainability framework has been developed to guide our efforts across five pillars.

Our People

FCTG is a people business, our number one philosophy is “our people” and that philosophy applies when it comes to our sustainability strategy. Our sustainability story starts with our people and our commitment to prioritise our people’s, health and wellbeing while preserving the places we love. 

Key objectives: 

1. Connection & culture
2. Growth & development
3. Purpose and community

Our Partners

Our sustainability story continues with our partners and our commitment to collaborate with our suppliers and industry partners to promote a lower carbon travel industry.

Key objectives: 

1. Sustainable supply chain
2. Sustainable product development
3. Community based travel

Our Customers

It is our customers that will ultimately make the responsible choices that will see us make the greatest impact.  We have a commitment to our customers to facilitate informed choices, helping our customers reduce their impact on the planet. 

Key objectives: 

1. More sustainable travel product choices for all customers
2. Technology solutions to measure customer environmental impact
3. Responsible travel education

Our Planet

We will focus on reducing the environmental impacts of travel while delivering unique travel experiences for generations to come.

Key objectives:

1. More sustainable travel product choices for all customers
2. Technology solutions to measure customer environmental impact
3. Influencing sustainable behaviour across our value chain

Our Principles

We will create a culture of collective action and accountability ensuring that everyone is involved and responsible for preserving and enriching a world worth seeing.

Key objectives:

1. Transparent and ethical behaviour
2. Clear accountability and responsibility
3. Compliant and meaningful reporting


Memberships and Partnerships

FCTG is committed to working with key industry and global organisations who are aligned with vision of preserving and enriching a world worth seeing.

We have committed to set a science-based target through the Science Based Targets initiative.

United Nations Global Compact 

FCTG has been a proud member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2018.FCTG supports the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We are working toward making the principles part of the culture and day-to-day operations of our company, and to engaging in collaborative projects which advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals.


At FCTG, we believe we can make positive change however we can’t do it alone; we need to work together as an industry. This is why we are excited to become a member of the GSTC, joining the global community to collaborate on sustainable travel initiatives that support our vision of preserving and enriching a world worth seeing. The Global Sustainable Tourism Council® (GSTC®)  establishes 
and manages global sustainable standards, known as the GSTC Criteria. The Criteria are designed to be adapted to local conditions and supplemented by additional criteria for the specific location and activity. 


To empower clients, FCM Consulting has joined forces with CAPA - Centre for Aviation (CAPA), one of the most trusted sources of market intelligence for the aviation and travel industry and their partner, Envest Global, to unveil a new, first in class approach for clients to help them address their environmental aims when planning business travel. FCM have devised an industry-first service that pairs their methodology alongside insights from the CAPA - Envest Airline Sustainability Benchmarking Report which goes beyond the typical single CO2e metric typically used for sustainability calculations.


United Nations Global Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as “the Global Goals”, are a set of 17 ambitions goals developed to achieve a better future for all.  The goals were developed in 2015 for realisation before 2030. FCTG is taking steps to align its strategies and actions with these goals.

# 3 Good Health and Wellbeing

FCTG have supported the good health and wellbeing of our team members globally by creating the Healthwise Global business along with ensuring all of our people have access to both mind and body health and wellness facilities and online tools.

# 5 Gender Equality

Womenwise was established in 2015 by a group of Flight Centre's senior female leaders, to inspire all women by showcasing opportunity, providing role-models and offering structured support.

# 7 Affordable and clean energy

FCTG have a goal to purchase renewable electricity equivalent to 100 percent of our power needs across our 25 countries by 2028.

# 12 Responsible consumption and production

FCTG have a commitment to facilitate informed choices for our customers to be able to travel more responsibly by developing sustainable travel product, technology for our customers to be able to track and measure their impact.

# 13 Climate action

FCTG have committed to the Science Based Target initiative and have a Net Zero Target of 2050.

# 17 Partnerships for the goals

FCTG collaborates with our suppliers and industry partners to promote a lower carbon travel industry.


Tread lightly and travel responsibly

Flight Centre Travel Group is committed to promoting and selling travel that respects human rights, the environment, and social equality – we have embodied this commitment in our Responsible Travel Charter.

We encourage friends, family, and our customers to tread lightly when they travel with the Five Responsible Travel Tips. Join us on our journey of responsible travel with these 5 simple actions.

1. CONSERVE water

Much of the world suffers from a shortage of clean water so we can help by reusing hotel towels, taking short showers and turning off the tap!

2. REDUCE your waste

Ditch the plastic bag, refuse unnecessary packaging, dispose of your waste responsibly and pick up rubbish too! Recycle as much as possible.


Enjoy locally owned and operated restaurants and bars. Shop in the local markets and stores and utilise the expertise of local guides when booking tours or activities.

4. CARE ABOUT the wildlife

Take a ‘look but don’t touch’ approach to wildlife activities and avoid any attractions that involve ‘performance’, riding or closely engaging with wild animals.

5. RESPECT the local people and culture

Along with obeying local laws, this relates to dressing and behaving in a manner appropriate to the community.

Sustainability News

Our Progress

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Why This Year Was Our “Greenest” Global Gathering Yet
At Global Gathering 2023 in Bali, we continued the usual fun and festivities, but we also had a new focus: to leave Bali even better than when we arrived.
Planting for the planet: Flight Centre to Reforest one million trees in next 12 months
In what is a trailblazing partnership for the travel industry, Brisbane-based climate-tech startup, Reforest is teaming up with global travel titan Flight Centre to plant a million trees in its first year.
August 2023
Intrepid and FCTG team up to tackle modern slavery
Intrepid Travel has launched a new travel consortium in partnership with Flight Centre marking the first major collaboration aimed at measuring and addressing modern slavery supply chain risks across the industry.
August 2023
FCM relaunch sustainability consulting
FCM announces partnership with CAPA to provide first in industry Sustainability insight for clients
June 2023
Science Based Targets submitted to the SBTi for validation
After 8 months of work, FCTG submitted the FCTG science-based targets to the SBTi for validation with response expected in August 2023.
December 2022
Achieving our sustainability objectives
In March 2022, FCTG committed to working with Edge Impact to define our sustainability goals. Edge Impact combine science, strategy and storytelling in partnership with motivated leaders, organisations and industries to reimagine sustainability for positive impact.
March 2022
Appointment of GSO
The Flight Centre Travel Group has appointed Michelle Degenhardt as its global sustainability officer.
December 2021
Committed to the Science Based Target initiative
In February 2022, FCTG committed to setting a science based target using the Science Based Target initiative.
February 2022

End poverty

End Poverty in all its forms everywhere. FCTG is working alongside SolarBuddy to end energy poverty.


Zero hunger

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. FCTG is working with organisations like Foodbank and 3Square to ensure no child goes hungry.


Good health & wellbeing

Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages. FCTG makes the health and wellbeing of our people a top priority through our Healthwise business.


Quality education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. FCTG supports local schools and students in South Africa and the Teach for Tomorrow Program in PNG in conjunction with KTF.


Gender equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. FCTG is committed to ensuring more women progress to the highest levels of the company and offers development opportunities and initiatives including Womenwise to achieve this.


Decent work & economic growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. FCTG supports work opportunities for all within the travel and tourism industry and strives for a healthy workplace culture.

SDG 10

Reduced inequality

Reduce inequality within and among countries. FCTG supports diversity and inclusion through initiatives like the Reconciliation Action Plan in Australia. In South Africa, FCM Travel Solutions achieved the Level 1 BBBEE (Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment) Contributor status – the highest possible rating.

SDG 12

Responsible consumption & production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. FCTG continues to minimise energy consumption and eliminate the use of single use plastics where possible.

SDG 13

Climate action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. FCTG carbon offsets in the UK and is investigating ways to reduce its carbon footprint in Australia.

SDG 14

Life below water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. FCTG prioritises education of our customers and our people to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources. Our family brand tour operators have commenced the removal of single use plastics from product ranges.

SDG 15

Life on land

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. FCTG supports Bush Heritage Australia in the conservation of ecologically important land.

SDG 17

Partnerships for the goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.FCTG works with the UNGC, the International Institute For Peace Through Tourism (IIPT), and the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA),  to ensure we are creating positive change.


Stay up to date with our progress

To see how we are progressing on our sustainability journey please refer to our communication on progress reports below. A new report is expected in early 2024.

Communication on progress 2018

Download the report by clicking the button below.

Communication on progress 2019

Download the report by clicking the button below.

Sustainability Report 2021

Download the report by clicking the button below.